Wednesday, August 27, 2008

TATA NEN Hottest Startups Awards 2008

The TATA NEN Hottest Startups Awards are the first ever people’s choice Awards to recognize the highest-potential startups in India:
  • Young Companies with great potential to grow…
  • Companies with the ability to change their industries…
  • Companies that will create jobs and drive economic growth…
The TATA NEN Hottest Startups Awards are the first Awards designed to engage the Public throughout the process: the Public nominates the companies; information on the nominees is available to all, via a website; and winners are chosen through a combination of Public Voting and Expert Judges’ ratings.

India is witnessing a wave of growth. More individuals are taking the risk, stepping away from the comfort of jobs and institutes, and are starting companies to capitalize on today’s opportunities. The TATA NEN Hottest Startups Awards will provide these entrepreneurs with visibility, and enable them to connect more easily with resources. And by engaging the public, TATA NEN Hottest Startup Awards aims to increase appreciation and support for these future engines of growth.

The TATA NEN Hottest Startups Awards celebrate their entrepreneurial spirit: Dare to try!

Awards competition structure

People are invited to nominate hot startups starting August 2008. Each nomination will be reviewed and rated by two Expert Judges. The number of Public Votes and Experts’ Ratings together determine the 30 shortlisted startups on October 15, 2008. The 30 shortlisted startups then campaign for votes in the final round. Ultimately, the five companies from the shortlist with the most final-round votes become the 5 TATA NEN Hottest Startups 2008 Winners.

Benefits for Winners

The Awards are designed to boost significantly the growth of the short-listed companies, and even more so that of the 5 Winners by providing publicity, business development support and access to funding. The support will be provided by IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, Microsoft, Indian Angel Network, TATA and NEN. Subject to fit, winners will get introduced to angels or VCs; and/or connected to industry experts; and get access to specially designed business training, mentoring, educational programs and incubation support.

Partners & Support Organizations

NEN and TATA have come together to lead this first-of-its-kind effort to showcase and support young high potential startups in India. Major Partners include Seedfund, Helion Ventures and HT Mint. Microsoft, IIM-Ahmedabad and IIM-Bangalore will provide support as Knowledge Partners. In addition, all the entrepreneurial communities of India have come on board as Associate Partners, including TiE, Indian Angel Network, Mumbai Angels,, Smart Techie, Open Coffee Club, Kickstart, Pagalguy, Webyantra, Cool Avenues, MBA Universe and Business Gyan.

Criteria for Participating Startups

The company must be: 5 or fewer years old; headquartered in India; and a stand-alone venture, not a subsidiary or division of a larger company. In addition, companies should be highly innovative, growing rapidly and have the potential to reshape their industries.

Contact : Kavita Krishnamurthy at for more details.

Visit Website here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This award is looking like a realty show; every one can vote for the nominees irrepective whether they know the founder, product/services and it's value. People (Including us) are mass mailing to every one to vote irrespective we know or don't know whom we send the mails. Even the people voting for the startups may/may not know the importance of this award for startups. But one thing, I can say that overall it is giving us an opportunity to showcase our product/services to our potential clients. It helps startups to gain confidence of the customers, who hesistate to buy product or services from a startups. My company (ITCONS e-Solutions - is also nominated for this Award; the moment we started sending mails to our potential clients, we started getting good response from potential clients whom we had been talking to for a long time and were considering them as closed chapter.