Tuesday, August 5, 2008

NASSCOM Session : Using Online Professional Networking to Get Ahead at Work

As part of NASSCOM Friday's 2.0 (Emerging Companies Forum - Marketing), the 38th session of NCR companies is scheduled on 08th August 2008(Second Friday of the month). The session is Using Online Professional Networking to get ahead at work and the speaker is Ajay Jain, Senior Journalist.

Sites like LinkedIn changed the way professionals interact with one another at a global level, and many are using such platforms to their advantage in many different ways. Not only to find jobs and recruit people as many believe is the most useful application of these networks, but in many ways including: sales and marketing, seeking partners and investors, building a personal brand equity, opening new markets, tapping the collective wisdom of the crowd and more.

This presentation will thus cover all these many ways one can use sites like LinkedIn (with 23 million members globally, and one million in India) to get ahead at work.

Venue : NASSCOM Board Room, International Youth Centre, 2nd Floor, Teen Murti Marg, New Delhi - 110021

Date & Time : Friday, 08th August 2008 5.00 PM - 7.00 PM

Registration : Please do send in your confirmations to Ranjita Kamat at ranjita@nasscom.in along with Name,Designation,Company,City,Mobile,Email,Membership

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