Friday, August 22, 2008

Start-up Tips : Are you a startup employable?

Startups in India are fast picking up and a lot of people are getting into entrepreneurship. These startups need good talent pool with slightly different genes than usual guys/gals preferring big companies. I am giving a check-list to find-out whether you are Startup employable or not:

1. You prefer doing things by yourself than relying on others.
2. Your mind is full of new ideas and you experiment few of them too. You believe in ideas & execution.
3. You are not very particular about your office timings ( I mean you can stay late or come early)
4. You want to become Head-Engineering, VP- Sales, VP - HR pretty fast and that's why want to put extra efforts to learn multiple things within short span of time.
5. You enjoy working in a team and want to learn from others. You want to learn from people outside your company too.
6. You are not very particular about your office, seating space or even space outside. You are much concerned about your work and passion.
7. You don't want to earn fast money. You believe in wealth creation.
8. You don't want to own house, car, and other luxury items very fast.
9. Apart from cash component you realize the power of stocks
10. You enjoy the whole process rather than the input and output.
11. You want to experiment new things and not fearful of making mistakes.
12. You don't blame others for your bad moves. You come forward to accept mistakes and take corrective action.
13. You grow faster and become mature faster than your counterparts at big companies.
14. You respect others and believe in open communication. You don't want to spend time gossiping about people. You like talking about work.
15. You are passionate about your work and discuss your work with your parents or friends.
16. You like attending events which enrich your capabilities.
17. You enjoy sharing your tiffin/lunch with your colleagues.
18. You enjoy Office Maggi at 9.00 PM in the night. Sometimes even you prefer sleeping at office rather than going back to home.
19. You don't mind your salary being credited to your account on 10th day of the month rather than 01st.
20. You don't have too many girl-friends.

Score Inferences

20 : Complete Startup Individual
15-19 : Good Startup Person
10-14 : Formative Startup Person
Below 10 : Startups are cool. I would prefer reading about them.

You can drop me a mail with your score at for specific discussions.

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