Monday, August 18, 2008

How to Select a Startup Person?

Selecting right person for any startup is very critical. A wrong selection might have significant impact on the growth of company. While selecting any new employee/partner startups should look for following things:

1. Right Mindset : For any startup, understanding the mind-set of prospective employee/partner is very important. They should understand his/her current state of mind and future aspirations. An employee having different future aspirations may not stay with you for long in-turn hurting startup. The people interested in startups generally want to learn new things at fast pace, take higher responsibilities, look for wealth creation rather than faster bucks, possess good time-management skills, show maturity & passion and are quite flexible. The best candidate would show all these qualities in some for or other. Even people scoring moderately on few parameters should be probed further. A person with right mind-set would start shaping your dreams in right manner and would grow exponentially.

2. Financial expectations : People with startup mind-set would prefer to delay their financial gains. They may not look for fancy salaries in the beginning, but would like to have equity participation and/or profit-sharing. The startup guy/gal understands that during initial stage of any venture, utilizing cash optimally is very important. A company spending extravagantly may run out of cash in no-time risking life of employees and company itself.

3. Higher Responsibilities : A Startup person would always emphasize his worth and capability to take higher responsibilities. Before discussing salary and benefits he would like to understand the job-profile, expectations and his participation. A startup person will always look for value addition rather than just compensation.

4. True Reflection of his aspirations/skill-set : A startup person would try to bring-out real aspirations in front of decision makers. He won't try to fool you by saying that he will continue with your organization for life-long, if he doesn't feel like that. Similarly he won't try to project that he knows everything. Being truthful is very important trait of any startup person. This mind-set helps them to be fair with every person directly/indirectly related.

5. Flexible Mind-set : A startup person is always open to new ideas and approaches. He/She look forward for best solutions, even-though initiated by somebody else. He/She is not always dying to get credit for work done, but is more interested in solving a problem in best possible manner. He/She is a good listener and derives out meaningful conclusions.

6. Innovation : A startup person would always think in innovative direction. He/She won't try to solve problems in usual manner. He/She should be open to new approaches and look for multiple options before settling for best one. He/She would try to improve existing processes and methods and talk about the same during initial stage too. His/her motivation is improve the system through creative contribution.

In case you find potential employee good on above-mentioned parameters, then you should definitely look-forward to welcome him/her on-board.

1 comment:

TheLaw26 said...

Select a startup partner who is smart and not afraid push back on your ideas. There is a fine line, however, between pushing back for the purpose of forcing you to consider the viability of a proposal vs. arguing for personal power trips... a great entrepreneurial resource here...