Sunday, June 22, 2008

Mobile oriented service offerings holds bright future

Mobile penetration in India has zoomed like anything. All the speculations and estimations were proved wrong by actual subscriber base numbers. The number of mobile phone users crossed 250 million mark in Feb 2008 making India 2nd largest country in terms of number of subscribers. Liberal government norms and aggressive growth-plan of Telcom companies helped us to ramp-up so fast.

On the other hand the Internet penetration is happening at slower rate. The numbers are not at all impressive and the future projections are also doubtful. Currently there are only 40 Million + Internet users in India.

It becomes imperative for technology start-ups to leverage this opportunity and try to make their service offerings mobile oriented. The points worth noting are:
1. Reaching huge number of people of various social-strata. The projected number of mobile users by 2010 is 500 Million.
2. The average time spent on mobile is several times of that on the Internet.
3. Mobile phone is available almost everywhere and anytime.
4. Huge number of people ( Almost 50% of total users) would be having Internet enabled phones.
5. m-commerce and mobile advertising holds huge potential in next few years.

Similar viewpoints by MD of Nokia India can be read here

Considering all these points start-ups should device their service offerings keeping mobile on the fore-front.

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