Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Entrepreneurship Genes

Entrepreneurship means creating new opportunities and benefiting the society at large. People from elite institutes like IIM's, IIT's are now venturing into not so popular areas like catering, vegetable selling etc.

I would like to highlight two small cases.

1. Sarath Babu (MBA-IIMA) started catering business sometime back to serve the society. In his words " Serving someone food is an extremely satisfying feeling. The smile you get after giving good food to someone is an experience to cherish".

Key benefits : Good Quality Food at low price, job for good number of people.

Read more here

2. Kaushalendra, a topper from IIM- Ahmedabad will be selling vegetables using his pushcart which is ice-cooled to keep vegetables fresh. In his words ''My dream is to make Bihar the vegetable hub of the country. I want to see vegetables in the name of Brand Bihar in the every plate of Indians.

Key benefits : Value for money , assured income for farmers, branding-building
Read more here

There is need of more such ventures by professionals from elite institutes. People should use their education and experience to make our society better to live.

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