Thursday, June 19, 2008

Band of Strategists

Start-ups are interesting place to nurture creative ideas . A lot of ideas are shaped and executed by a small-group of freaks/enthusiasts. These people work for long hours to realize their goals. They network with people from different domains to get creative inputs.

In last few months, I got a chance to attend few events like BarCamp4 & SLD-2. Both of these were great learning experience. The passion of entrepreneurs to create new sucess stories was commendable. Most of the people came together, exchanged cards, attended few sessions and went home with a cool mind ( And off-course T-shirt too at BarCamp4).

I was thinking that although these people are working on different ideas, but formation of a collaborative group can do wonders. Let me put forward some points before I propose something:
1. Most of the informal discussions help to some extent but in-order to gain more knowledge, there is a need of better/structured approach.
2. Most of the 1st generation entrepreneurs are not cash-rich.
3. Ideas can't be shared with all for many reasons ( at least not in the initial stage)
4. A lot of such forums like Indian Angel Network & government bodies like FICCI are already doing good work.

Keeping in mind following points, let me now propose something:
1. Start-ups should form small non-competing groups ( 4-5) to share knowledge & resources. The contribution from each company to other should be suitably compensated by relevant help.
2. A group of start-ups should look for shared resource to work for them in initial stage.
3. There should be a " BAND OF STRATEGISTS " who take-up such assignments. Typically these are people with relevant technology/business knowledge. The cash outflow for company would reduce considerably and development/marketing time-frame would go-down significantly.

Let me know your viewpoint/s.

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