Saturday, July 19, 2008 summary series

So,the high-energy and spirited semi-annual technology showcase & networking event ended today. The event was quite enriching in terms of gaining & sharing knowledge, meeting-up new people with lot of ideas & dreams and getting a feel of startup issues and probable solution approaches. The idea of the event was learning through engagement. On personal front I also learnt a lot from this event. I would try to capture this event in a series of blogs. I feel I should be done in 7 postings ( But who knows.... I may come up with even double posts).

I am listing here few items which would be covered:
1. The Art of Building Internet Business ( Taking as an example)
2. When, Why & How to start a business ( Building upon Mahesh Murthy's session)
3. What a Venture Capitalist look for in you & your business?
4. How a Card, Water, T-shirt matters?
5. Selling the dream & executing? ( Building upon Tekriti's talk)
6. Why a start-up should network? Realizing power of networks?
7. Blogging as a tool for creating brand and selling your services.

A lot of ideas and discussion in these postings would help you to start thinking and executing.

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