Tuesday, July 8, 2008

IIT's role in promoting Entrepreneurship : 2008 Global Conference

The IIT Global Alumni Conference has established itself as a premier event by bringing together an eclectic group of industry visionaries, thought leaders and IIT Alumni from across the globe.

The overall theme for the 2008 Global Conference to be organized at IIT Chennai from 19th to 21st December is "Inspire, Innovate, Transform".

Under this banner, six thematic tracks have been identified to help provide greater focus, and to enable participants to derive the maximum value in their area of interest. These tracks are:
1. IIT's role in promoting Entrepreneurship
2. Research & Technology initiatives in Nation-building
3. Vision & Leadership in Rural Transformation
4. Challenges & Opportunities in India's Infrastructure
5. Enhancing Quality & Accessibility in Education
6. Innovate or Stagnate: India's road ahead

In the Entrepreneurship track, key issues involving IITs can be reviewed:

• Impact/ Payback/ Value-Add Analysis for IITs
• Science & Technology in the Service of Society
• Role in Nation-Building, Sustainable Development
• Finance and Support Options for Micro-Entrepreneurs

Click here to see the list of panelists & speakers.

One can participate as a panelist, speaker or moderator in any of the tracks mentioned above? Click here

What's your take on IITians role in promoting Entrepreneurship.

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