Thursday, November 27, 2008

BarCamp Pune 5 on 29th November 2008

BarCamp Pune is scheduled on 29th Novemeber 2008 at SICSR (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research), Atur Centre, Gokhale Cross Road, Model Colony, Pune - 411016. All people who are having right spirit can join. There are no strings attached and offcourse no registration fee. There are more than 20 speakers and more than 250 people as of now. The count may go-up by EoD tomorrow ( since there are more than 8 registrations in last 2 hours only).

BarCamp provides right platform to share, collaborate, network and learn. A lot of people learn about coding, entrepreneurship, IPR or any damn thing in right direction. The motivation of the event is to encourage people to come together - learn and network. A lot of people get into technical discussions while others gel-up for a business gossip. Overall, a good event without any formal structure.

I would be talking about Location Aware Services which are fast catching up in India. A lot of big players like Google, Yahoo etc are already into that space. We at BMS are also looking at this space seriously to offer our services to various clients. From end-users perspective these services would make their lives easier and provide great amount of comfort. A lot of information can be delivered using internet or mobile as a delivery platform. For those in Pune/Mumbai, catch me up during/after session. We would also be giving a demo of one such " Location Aware " application. I would also upload my presentation and discussion after the event, so that everybody can access it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Learning is Fun@Startups

The best way to solve a problem is to start thinking, exploring and above all...doing. Who knows it better than people at Startups. The people here get some problems at hand..with little or no background knowledge....aggressive deadlines....few people to support and a lot of other limitations. The process remains bumpy with some success and failures. People work, slog, re-work and come-out with flying colors. They learn and get a good feeling by solving a problem at hand.

In my opinion " Journey is more important than source or destination ". It takes a while to get accustomed to such kind of mind-set, but once comfortable...such people can reach greater heights. A lot of work done at startups is more than is new learning every time..entering new arena and conquering it. The satisfaction of doing things by oneself is great. There is no defined route of solving problems at startups...but passion of people help them overcome all barriers. Learning is a lot of fun at Keep on learning...

My Company - Binary Mantra Systems

It has been quite sometime since I wrote my last blog. I was damn busy with initial phase of my company, Binary Mantra Systems (BMS) - A second generation IT services company with ambitious product plans too. The company is having people with more than 100 man-years of industry experience. We understand and apply quality guidelines, we value IPR & confidentiality. We are way ahead of normal SDLC.....we practice FDLC ( Visit here for more details)

BMS is undertaking projects in Health Care, Education, BFSI, Fashion & Apparel, Telcom & Manufacturing Verticals.

You can contact BMS for any information :

The journey so far is fulfilling, we already got couple of good clients and are in process of getting a lot more in coming months. We already are Microsoft Partner and talking to various companies for partnerships.