Tuesday, September 16, 2008

OCC Noida : September Edition

The entrepreneurial folks met once again on Sunday, 14th September to discuss various topics related to entrepreneurship, startups and technology. ( OCC Noida folks meet-up every month on 2nd Sunday (12.00 Noon-2.00 PM) at Kaaffia, sec-18, Noida). Here is summary of major points discussed during the meeting :

1. Estimation of Development Time : For any startup estimating right time to develop a product/solution is very critical. Startups developing internal products need to estimate this for defining product road-map in better manner while startups offering services need to decide project cost and delivery time based on these inputs. Bad development-time estimation affects product road-map, customer satisfaction, profitability and company morale. A lot of folks emphasized that development-time estimation betters with experience. You need to burn your fingers to arrive at accurate numbers if you are relatively young. People with good industry experience are better at doing such estimations due to their past experience.

2. Time spent towards Pre-sales : A lot of startups want to get projects pretty fast and hence don't define scope of project clearly and later on run into losses. Startups offering services should invest time to come-out with detailed scope and effort estimates. These would help them to complete project on time giving significant profits. A lot of entrepreneurs felt that it is good strategy to invest some time before closing the deal since anyways one need to spend time to do such estimations later on. Don't rush for a project since with wrong estimates this may turn-out to be bad deal. Spend some time to come-out with numbers close to actual effort.

3. User Generated Information : Why will Indian people generate content on the net giving reviews, tagging locations etc.? People felt that frequency of using a particular service prompts you to give feedback/review. Similarly people using Google Maps actively may tag some non-existing locations for the benefit of others. If you are benefited by any product/service then there are more chances of generating some good information. If you are dis-satisfied with some product/service then there are more chances of write reviews.

Some other areas like Google Voice Search, VAS platforms were also discussed. As usual the coffee and ambiance was pretty good for such meetings. Hope to see more people next time.
There was discussion to club OCC Noida & OCC Delhi to bring more like-minded people under one umbrella. The discussion has been initiated and let's wait for response of group folks.

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