Thursday, October 23, 2008

Management Gyaan : Leading a Young Team

The face and structure of new generation organisations are fast changing. The
average age of CEOs is dropping and the same is true of employees of new
age companies. In such a scenario, the traditional rules of business need to be
revisited and refined so as to deal effectively with employees, most of whom
are below 25 years of age.

Following points need to be worked upon/observed:

Cultivate an open and dynamic atmosphere
Promote Collaborative work environment
Innovation and creative work

Read the complete article published in "i.t" magazine at : Leading A Young Team

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Startup Meetings : Observations

All startups need to hold several meetings to discuss issues like hiring, business development, processes, finance etc. There are some points, which need to be considered to make such meetings more meaningful:

1. Agenda : Always go with clear-cut agenda in mind. Try to list down key points which need to be discussed. This would help all to save time and keep discussion focussed.
2. Notes : Somebody should take notes of meeting. Recording the meeting can also help for future references.
3. Try to involve silent members : Try to hear out viewpoint of people who generally remain silent. The idea of any meeting should be constructive discussion and consensus rather than forced decision-making.
4. Be Rational : Try to evaluate your viewpoint and others viewpoint rationally. If somebody is making a good point on your views, then absorb it and rethink before defending your point.
5. Keep aside egos : Don't let personal ego come during meeting. The objective of meeting should be to discuss and solve problems. Adding additional variables would only complicate things.
6. Make action-items : Once meeting is concluded, tell action-items and circulate a mail along with time lines and desired output.